The 3 Week Diet

Notifications of Errors in WordPress Posts

By Neha Yadav Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

Mistakes are part of human beings or I must say that an important part of life as they are the best way to learn something new. Today it is very easy and well known to everyone that if you have something to share with this world through the web then you can post your blogs or articles.  No doubt I am too in the same profession and share with my readers whatever new I come to know or learn from my practical experiences. This is good because knowledge sharing leads to more knowledge gaining.

My concern here in this article is maybe we may make some mistakes while posting our ideas, and we are not aware about that mistake. A small mistake can make your article less impressive and the value of its content decreases. Here I will provide you a solution to resolve this problem.

If you want to know about the mistakes in a WordPress post, suppose you wrote a post containing the word “WordPress” and you misspelt it as “WordPres”. Even after making this mistake you are unaware and your readers or visitors find this mistake. They can intimate you for your this error but for this you need to implement Error NotificationPlugin.

This plugin provides a platform to your visitors to point out your mistake so that you can remove it as soon as possible. Actually this plugin displays a message at the end of your post/page in front of  your visitor’s requesting them to highlight the error and notify you along with URL link containing page name, highlighted word/sentence etc. Just by pressing “Shift + E”

All you need to do is to install and activate the plugin as shown step by step in the below given images -

After activation of the plugin you can find it in the settings options in the menu as shown in the image below and you can customize your plugin according to yourself.

You can edit these options according to your convenience and your displayed message will be changed as shown in the image below –

Now this will make your plugin full and final according to yourself as shown in the image below –

This was all about how can you allow your users to notify you about your errors in your post/page on WordPress. Your comments, suggestions and queries are always welcome.

About Neha Yadav

"I like to post the blogs related to real life and helpful for a successful life. You can gain more knowledge and share your issues with me on our website via comments"

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