The 3 Week Diet

Make Your Educational Website Easily With Local Business Theme

By Malika Rani Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

If you are an owner of any Educational Institute and searching a quick way to build an educational website then your hunt overs here. I have the solution that will completely fulfill your requirements, moreover it will help you to grab more and more leads from your website.

Without any delay let’s move on to the solution that will make it possible just in few seconds. Local Business WordPress Theme is one of the most resourceful themes which comprises advanced features to manage your business needs, especially the Educational Business get their lucky charm here.

But the question arises in your mind- What kind of theme this is all about ? How Local Business WordPress Theme gets ready your website in few minutes? Why is it so simple to use? What are its Advance Features ? Let me answer your all queries from the scratch.

About Local Business Theme

In one way, I would say Grab Leads And Enhance Your Business . Local Business WordPress themeis basically designed for capturing leads directly from your website. The theme is well integrated with Lead Capture Form that will help you to grab all the necessary contact details of the visitors and stored it in your dashboard.

What Kind Of Leads Will Be Stored?

It could be anything. Like a user submitting its details for using your services, free sign ups for getting latest updates on your website. To sum up all these, I would say it will ultimately increase traffic on your website.


For e.g. if you are running an educational website and you are about to start new courses. Now, What would be prioritized for you to notify about your courses to the users ? Simply you need multiple emails so that you can shoot mails to maximum subscribers and they can book their slots for the available courses .

In that case you just need a Lead Cature Form on your website through which users can submit their details and simply subscribe to the latest updates to use your services. Whenever you are about to start anything new, you can easily use their contact details and make them aware about your courses.

Now you are able to notify the maximum number of subscribers and ultimately it will take you institute to another level.

Just look at the real example of an Educational Institute NeepanTech which gets benefited with the glanced features of the Local Business WordPress Theme.

Neepan Tech website

Let’s switch gears on the various useful sections of the website and know how you can design a similar one like that.

Section 1

You can place a Logo of your Educational Institute just like Neepan Tech Logo appear on the top-left corner of the website. You can edit the logo according to your requirements and use it to give a fully-professional look to your website .

Section 2

You always find a solution of How to reinforce your business demand day by day? In fact every business body deliberately waiting for the moment when their business achieve new heights. In order to fulfill your desire, it is very necessary to choose a proper section to represent your Contact Details so that within a second user may contact you directly. As you can see on the above website, top-right section contains the Contact Details of the Neepan Teach Institute so that any visitor easily contact the website owner for any discussion.

: Providing an easy route to your visitors will help them to approach you within a second.

Section 3

The home page is the heart of every business website. It should be designed in such a way i.e. attractive moreover properly segmented. It will help you to make a positive impact on the visitors and provide an easy look to the users. You can see the above image, a menu contains the list of pages of the Neepan Tech website clearly indicating the purpose, so that user gets all the information about the website easily.

Section 4

You can include a relevant professional image in this section to convert your website into a business niche. Pictures speak a lot louder than words. It should be so clear and catchy that forced visitors to convert into potential customers. Neepan Tech website highlights the list of courses on which it provides training and it gains the audience interest easily.

Section 5

It is very important for your business to grab all your visitors’ lead so that you can inform them about your latest product and services. You are glad to know that a Lead Capture Form is inbuilt in the theme which stores lead data directly into your WordPress dashboard. When the user will submit its details you will be notified via an email. Lead Form also contains captcha field that will help you to prevent spam mails.

You can put your punch line here and compel the user to sign up.

Section 6

Your website should be fully capable to describe about its product and services in the best possible way so that large traffic comes to your website. You can use this section to elaborate your services in more detail and let the users know about it so that they can easily use your services.

Neepan Tech website explains all its training program course details and respective duration in this section in a well-defined way so that it’s clear to everyone.

Section 7

You can write a short testimonial here to let the audience know about the objective of your website. In this section you can list all your services and its importance similar to that one done by Neepan Tech.

Section 8

Including videos on the website helps to make things clearer to the visitors. It happens many times that a single video raises the conversion rate twice, so this is the best element to focus.

You can include a demo video on your website so that it explains your website services in a best possible way.

Section 9

Every website designs its own footer area which sometimes includes a map, contact us, about us, search etc. All these you can implement in the footer widget easily.

To have more understanding with the theme, you can watch a quick demo of how to use Local Business theme on your website?


Every website is built for some purpose and its purpose gets accomplished when it is properly segmented. You can manage your website according to your needs with the Local Business WordPress theme and establish a  long-lasting relationship with your users.

Do let me know how this post helps you to create your website easily. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

About Malika Rani

I am Malika Rani, a software engineer and a blogger. My hobby is to learn new things, searching exciting and informative discoveries over the web. So blogging is the best platform through which I can share my knowledge and experiences with you. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs and it will be helpful for you.

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