The 3 Week Diet

How To Manage Events On Your Website

By Malika Rani Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

Events can be affected badly due to customer’s dissatisfaction on the basis of many factors related to planning, communication and resource allocation. Successful event planning will require strong leadership and a commitment to preparedness. Everyone involved should be aware that this work will help your organization survive the event and minimize losses. So if you want to become a good Event Planner then this post will help you.

It has been an issue with lots of business owners that they have been unable to find a solution that will be able to manage the events of their website.  Now here is the solution to their problems i.e. Events Manager WP plugin. WordPress users should know about this interesting plugins called ” Events Manager ”.

In the following post I am going to explain about the Events Manager WP plugin and how you can create events for your website by using it.

What is Events Manager?

This is one of the most comprehensive plugin which provides ability to publish events, locations and manage bookings and including many other features like:

It support recurring events  i.e. you can create daily, weekly, monthly or yearly events. You can create multiple tickets for your event with different price, capabilities &  cut-off dates. It can able to manage the capacity efficiently by limiting ticket availability &  the event as a whole. It send your users a remainder automatically  before your event starts. It makes easier to manage your bookings by allowing you to quickly filter them on the basis of events, event dates , user or by status.

Just take a quick look how you can install plugin into your WordPress.

How to implement Events Manager plugin on Website?

Here are the 10 simple steps that will help you to install Events Manager WordPress Plugin

Step #1.
Firstly, make sure that  you have installed WordPress on your server. On your Dashboard, install the theme and start creating menu pages say, one of it is event page. Now to include plugin, click on “Add New” option of the plugins

Step #2.
Search for the Event Manager WordPress plugin into the search box and click on “Install Now” option.

. Click on “Activate Plugin” and then start using its functionality.

Step #4.
Now event is created and visible into your dashboard .

Step #5.
Click on the “Add Event” option for creating a new event

Step #6.
A new page is opened, now you need to give a event name and related content.

Step #7.
In the next step, you can provide event date & time according to you & also all the venue details of the event.

Specifying the venue details.

Step #8.
In the next step, you can start registration or booking by just check in enable option as a result sub-fields gets generated like ticket name , price, min/max tickets per booking, start/end date of tickets availability, total booking space etc according to your choice.

Step #9.
As you seen in the image  ”Create a ticket” form is generated. All the relevant fields are clearly defined in this form, so you don’t need to remember any thing extra, just fill all the details & click on “Save Ticket” option.

Now the events get ready. It gets published on your event page & users can easily fetch all the details of the event. It will grab the user’s attention and if the users develop interest for the events then they will move to the booking part. If users already have an account then they can directly log in with their username & password.

Log in if you have already signed up.


Events Manager plugin is very useful for a website. It is fully featured in all the ways. It will perfectly define all the events of your website and make things simpler for the users to book their slots for the desired events. The plugin is simple to implement and it will work perfectly fine with any of the InkThemes .

I hope you would like reading this post useful and will surely implement this useful plugin on your website. Feel free to share your comments and feedback below. I would appreciate your response.

About Malika Rani

I am Malika Rani, a software engineer and a blogger. My hobby is to learn new things, searching exciting and informative discoveries over the web. So blogging is the best platform through which I can share my knowledge and experiences with you. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs and it will be helpful for you.

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