By Deep Wadhwa Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes
InkThemeshas released SpotMoto(a new Portfolio WordPress theme). SpotMoto is a uniquely designed elegant and professional WordPress Theme which can be used to showcase your multiple products and services on a single website.
See the live previewof the theme.
What can I do with SpotMoto Portfolio WordPress Theme?With SpotMoto WordPress theme number of things can be performed:
Showcase products and services. Different color options are available for website. Options of showing posts on the home page and blog page. Showing the posts with additional details. Posts can be aligned either as left or right. The theme is completely dedicated for business purpose.In the following article I have explained the following things related to SpotMoto theme:-
How to install SpotMoto theme on the Website? How to upload logos, favicon on the website? How to activate the slider on the Home page? How to change Home Page feature settings? How to add number of pages? How to show posts on home page and blog page? How to use Styling options? How to add sidebar widgets in SpotMoto?Let’s start the above topics from the scratch.
How to Install SpotMoto Theme?Before installing the SpotMoto theme on your website make sure that:
You have a web server installed on your machine. You have installed WordPress on your Web site. You have purchased the SpotMoto theme from the InkThemes market. Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Choose “Appearance” option. Select the “Install Themes” option. Click on “Upload” option. Click on “Choose file” button. Now select the zip file of SpotMoto and upload it. Click on “Install Now” button.Uploading images, favicon on the website is very simple. Just go to your Dashboard and do the following steps:
Dashboard –> Appearance –> Theme Options –> General Settings
After uploading the images, click on “Save All Changes” button. Now visit your website it will be shown as:
In the slider, you can show maximum of six images whereas minimum would be one. Activate the slider on the home page by performing the following steps given below:
Dashboard –> Appearance –> Theme Options –> Slider Setting
Click on “Upload Image” button and upload the images which you want to show on slider. After that complete the following things:
First Slider Heading : Here in this field, mention the heading of the slider that will display on the top of the image.
First Slider short Description : Here in this field, you can mention the short description of the images.
First Slider Description : Describe the content here.
First Slider Button Text : Mention the text of the button.
First Slider Button Link URL : Here, you can provide the URL to navigate the user into other page.
The above process will remain same for the rest of the five sliders images. It depends on your requirements – how many images you want to show in the slider.
Do click on “Save changes” button at the end to make changes on the website. The slider on the Homepage will be appeared as shown below:
Through this option panel you can show featured images on the home page for advertisement purpose. Moreover, you can add some useful taglines for the same. Minimum one featured image can be displayed on the homepage and maximum of five. Follow the steps given below:
Dashboard –> Appearance –> Theme Options –> Home Page Feature Settings
Homepage Bottom Feature First Image
: Here, you can upload the image.
First Bottom Feature Link : Here, you can add the link for the same image to redirect the user.
The above process will remain same for the rest of the four featured images and for their links.
Changing the text in the bottom tagline of home page can be done from the same option panel. It will be shown as:
Adding number of pages to the website is very simple. You can define your own pages through the following steps:
Dashboard –> Pages –> Add New
By following the above step, you can create number of pages for the website. After creating the pages just click on “Publish” button. This is how the website looks after creating pages:
By default, no posts appear on the home page. However, after creating the blog page, a post of
Hello World is shown on blog page by default.
SpotMoto provides features to show the limited posts on the home page. It depends on the user requirements, which posts he wants to show on the home page and blog page. Through this option, selected posts can be shown on the home page, while all the posts will be appeared on the blog page. Follow the steps to create a post:
Dashboard –> Posts –> Add New
Now after creating the post, you can adjust the following settings:
Posts show on Front Page : Through this option if you mark on “Yes” radio button, the post will be displayed on home page as well as on the blog page. But if you mark it as “No”, the post will be displayed on blog page not on home page.
: Initially after creating the post you can display few comments on it.
Single Post Template
: There are two options available under this field:
: If this option is activated, it will show the default structure of the post. Post With Custom Field
: If this option is activated, it will show additional details on the post.
Contact Meta Field
: Through this option, additional details can be shown on the blog page. Moreover, a user can increase the custom fields in the contact meta field. Remember, this additional details will only appeared on the post only if “Post With Custom Field” is activated as a post template.
This will be appeared as shown below in the Blog Post:
If you want to increase the custom fields in the contact meta field, just activate the “Custom Fields” option from the Screen options panel. See the screenshot given below:
Feature Image Alignment
: There are two ways to show your posts on the home page:
: By default this option is activated. Showing the post in left alignment:
: It will show the post in right alignment.
Setting the featured image
: Choose a feature image for the posts and upload it. Featured image of the post will be appeared on the home page and on the blog page with the content.
There are seven different colors available to change the style of the themes. You can go through the following steps to change the theme style:
Dashboard –> Appearance –> Theme Options –> Styling Options
After changing the style, click on “Save All Changes” button.
Hope this article will provide brief description of the SpotMoto WordPress theme. Feel free to share your comments and thoughts below:
About Deep Wadhwa
"I believe in basics which builds up perfection and enhance creativity. Thanks to Blogging through which I can share my experience with you!!!!".
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