The 3 Week Diet

5 Crucial Things That Should Be Included In A Blog

By Deep Wadhwa Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

Recently, Amyhas talked about useful tips to write effective blog content . Just to complement the objective of that post I have come to know about some tips and facts which can play a vital role in writing an effective and meaningful blog post.

Are you a blogger? Or Are you a successful blogger?

There is a difference in both the statements. A normal blogger just writes a blog post which contains limited information about a particular subject. The post doesn’t talk about the facts, common issues of the people, solution to those issues and conclusion.

In another way, a normal blog post is not a storyteller. And somehow it fails to connect the readers.

On the other hand, a successful blogger writes a blog post that contains all in and out information about the subject. Moreover, the post is a storyteller itself. It will talk about the general issues or problems which are a concern for lots of people, bring solutions, talk about facts and at last brings conclusion.

In the following blog post, I will be focusing on those aspects which a blog post must have so that it would surely connect the audience.

But before I start, I would like to know whether you have signed up for Google authorship or not? If not then do it as soon as possible if you really want to be a successful blogger.

Remember , to be a good blogger it is necessary to focus on the common issues of the audience and that should be the subject of your blog post. Readers generally search solutions to their problems not for normal things, so it is better to research thoroughly before you deliver something to the audience.

Let’s break each of crucial stuff down….

Discuss Basic Issues

Most of the blog posts don’t discuss about the problems. They don’t cover the general issues. They just contain normal information about a topic and don’t talk about the issues behind that particular subject.

If you are writing a blog post then it should clearly tell the readers “ What are the reasons behind that post ”? Or “ what has compelled you to choose that particular subject ”?

The solution is very simple. “Discuss general issues first”. Always have a habit to start your post with common issues of the people. Let the readers know that “You have analyzed the general issues which most of the people are facing these days & that is the reason of writing that particular blog”.

Remember, to be a good blogger , it is important to be a good analyzer first and discuss all the basic issues that are subject of most of the people.

Talk About Facts

Facts tell us about the reality and brings satisfaction to the readers and the readers come to know that it is not only their problem in fact the others are facing it too.

Try to include facts as percentage in your posts like “ 80% of the problems belong to this particular subject ” or “ 70% of the readers are adopting this particular solution ” and so on.

To make things clearer to the readers it is necessary to talk about statistics . Include facts in your post that will clarify the audience that you have done a good research. Certain facts will make things clearer to the audience that the post contains all in out information about a particular subject moreover; they will say the author has done a great job. As a result if they like your post and find meaningful, surely next time they will come to read lots more stuffs on your site.

Provide Complete Solutions

Be honest and don’t hide anything. Make sure you have done your homework well and whatever you are going to deliver to the audience will get the job done for them. If the reader is reading your post then it’s your responsibility to provide him the best possible solution.

Your post should have an entire solution to the particular problem. If you are not sure about something then try it first (by your own), come to a point and then deliver it.

If you find a solution on some other websites that are related to the same matter that you are talking about then don’t hesitate to link them. Ultimately, it will help to improve your rank. Appreciate others work as well.

In case you have alternatives then try to put them in a particular sequence so that the reader can understand, if “PLAN A” doesn’t work then they always have an option to go for “PLAN B”.

Be confident and put all your knowledge (the research you have done) in your post. Don’t miss anything just deliver it in a systematic manner.

Use Relevant Images

Expressions say everything . Images are very effective for a blog post. It identifies the subject that is going to be discussed later on. Including significant images will make a good impression on the readers and it will also complement the post. Somehow it also manages to connect with the audience. Moreover, you can also put text on images and link up them to any pages if you want.

For e.g. if you are discussing about “ How to write ” then include an image that will complement your heading and just looking at the image the reader predicts what the next para is going to be?

There is no need to include unnecessary images, just try to include relevant images for individual headings that you are going to discuss in your post. At any stage, you think that your particular heading requires an image then don’t hesitate just bring it, sure the readers will like it.


Things that are half done are of no use . If you start something well then it is necessary to end it well. You talk about the whole story from the start but don’t conclude it at last then your whole effort will go in vain. It is important to bring a conclusion at last so that that the readers could understand what you have learned by analyzing those problems? What you have actually learnt as a reader? What are your thoughts (opinion) to handle that particular problem?

The rest I discussed earlier. Hopefully you will find reading this one useful and if you pay serious attention then you will notice the above things which I discussed above, I have implemented them too (from start to end).

If you implement the above structure (what I discussed above), then surely you will become a successful blogger. It really feels great when you deliver something unique and get appreciation for that in return from the readers. Just implement it you will too experience it as I did.:)

Remember , the more you communicate the more you grow as a blogger.

Feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I will appreciate your feedback.

About Deep Wadhwa

"I believe in basics which builds up perfection and enhance creativity. Thanks to Blogging through which I can share my experience with you!!!!".

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