The 3 Week Diet

How To Easily Set An Expiration Date For WordPress Posts And Pages

By Sanjeev Shrivastava Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

There could be situations when you have to delete yourafter/on a particular date. WordPress has a functionality that allows automatic deletion of particular page or post just by setting the expiration date for it.

For example, you are running a contest in your website and on timely manner you are adding polls, clues and rules for the contest. It’s obvious that you will not need those clues, polls and rules after a fixed date so you will have to delete the post manually.

Similarly if you are publishing coupons and offers in your website, then also you will need to delete them when they get expire manually. There are many other cases when you want your posts/pages to be deleted/hidden after a particular date. If you have only one or two such posts then it’s ok to delete them manually but what if you have many posts to be deleted on different dates? It would be really irritating, but fortunately you have an option to automate this task by setting expiry date for your posts/page.

Fortunately there’s a wonderful plugin for WordPress user to automate this task. Post Expirator plugin allows you to set an expiration date for your post/page.

Install and activate this plugin in your WordPress installation.

Post Expirator plugin makes your task easy by letting you set an expiration date for post/page. You can configure this plugin to either delete the post, change it to draft or update the post categories.

Once you have installed this plugin, you can go to setting panel of the plugin and set some important options. Here you can set whether you want to change your post/psge status to draft or want to delete them.

Further you can choose to have the post category change once post gets expired.

Note: If you choose to change the post category, the default action of changing the status will be ignored.

The plugin works like a cron job and it runs every minute by default, but you can change this duration to anything. You can make this plugin run (hourly, twice a day, daily etc).If you want to display the expiration date on post and pages then you can include the shortcode [postexpirator] further more you have other options to play with.

After setting all the options, you can simple create a new post/page and you will find a separate section of ‘post-expirator’.

It was all about the plugin usage. Now what if you don’t want to install one more plugin in your WP installation? You may already have multiple plugins installed in your website and you don’t want to add a new one for the simple task. Then you will have to get your hand dirty on some coding part, may be I will cover that on my coming articles.


This is a wonderful plugin and I recommend it to those who don’t want to get into technical stuffs like coding etc. Automate your tasks and utilize your saved time on other important things. Share this article to help others.

About Sanjeev Shrivastava

Sanjeev loves web and his blog InfoTuts. His curiosity to know how things actually work keeps him active and inspires him to learn new things. He loves to help people. You can join him Here

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