The 3 Week Diet

9 Tracks To Increase Google+ Followers

By Malika Rani Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes

Are you new in Google plus and do not have enough followers?
Then you are just at the right blog. I am here to show you a right track so that it helps you to boost your followers and show you a platform to broaden your network. Nowadays, Google plus is becoming famous for its successful social media network which gives neck to neck competition to most popular social media websites like Facebook , LinkedIn etc.

Google+ follower

What You Figure Out From This Statistics?

google+ statistics

You can easily analyze the growth level of Google plus in last six months. As you can see in above statistics every month up to 400- 500 thousand users join in Google Plus and it is estimated that this figure reach up to 700 thousand in the coming days.

So Google plus comes with boom nowadays and this is the right time to come on spotlight and increase your followers but many of you say How ??

Here are the 9 tracks which you can go through to increase your Google+ followers.

#1 Bring Out Your Circle

You can create a Google plus circle which group into your family, friends, relatives, customers, online circle, following, team members or VIPs. It is the easiest approach to raise your follower’s figure & whatever you share will automatically spread among all or the particular group you choose.

circle of followers

#2 Acquire The Habit To Circle Back

You have to circle back the people who have added you to their circle. Google plus send you the notification when someone added you in circles so you should return the favor by follow back. In return it keeps you longer in their circle and makes your online presence a strong one.

#3 Stick Google+ Badge On Your Website

It is a widget that embeds S ign in with Facebook , Sign in with Twitter, S ign in with Dribble and Sign in with Gowalla buttons on your website. It is a very powerful tool which adds up a large number of followers with a single click. If you are a blogger then you can add the badge on your post so that visitors will get a Google+ circle on your blog. Now most of the people trying to be friend with you and automatically it brings a heavy traffic on your website with a large number of followers.

Google Plus circle

#4 Send Invitation To Join Google+

Your friends might be found among different social networking sites. You can share the awesome features of Google+ to your friends & send them an invitation to join you. Once your friends become familiar with the functionality of Google+ and get to know how much it is useful for them, they will automatically shift to Google+ . Soon you will have more & more friends here and a huge network is established.

#5 Gain Audience Interest

You have to keep your profile attractive & creative to catch the people’s interest. Always try to share something unique & innovative so that it catches the audience interest and they will think it’s amazing. You can post some text, links, images, videos kind of content so that you make others to sense your visibility.


#6 Frame Your Profile As Public

It is very necessary to make your profile presence as public in order to promote yourself. Make a habit to share things related to your business & avoid sharing personal stuff, it may sometimes not worthwhile. You should make a habit to welcome other’s point & suggestions so that it may help you to explore your network with a broad range.

#7 Engage With Google+ Community

It is for sure that you are a part of some group maybe it is Facebook group or any other group. Google+ community is also similar to FB group which allows you to share your thoughts, posts and starting hangouts with group members. It provides you a platform to engage with more & more people of similar interest.

In order to join a group, just click on the Communities icon appear in the left sidebar of your account and you will find a list of groups where your friends are already joined. You can become a member of any of the group in which you find interest.

our community

You can create your own community as well and invite people to join it. As you can see above InkThemes community in Google plus which offers WordPress Themes for your business website has a good number of community members. In the same way you can also promote your business through your community which will help you to add more people. Another great example of this is to see the Google+ page of Neil Patel which has 8,475 followers.

I hope the above examples will inspire you surely and you will follow this great trend to enhance your community page.

#8 Launch Google+ Page

You can set up your business or profile page anytime in Google+ just like Facebook page and promote it socially in order to boost your followers. If the audience find your content interesting then they will like your page and start following you.

It is more beneficial to you if you are a blogger and want to promote your blog among the large crowd then you just need to create a page and give all the information related to yourself and people will automatically follow you on Google+ .

#9 Open A Comment Door

You have to take a look at the other’s post and adopt a habit to comment on it so that it gives you a chance to get in touch with lots of new fellows. In this way you will be noticed by a large audience which result to upgrade your followers but make sure that when someone comment on your post you have to leave a reply in order to exhibit good friendship with your followers.



So choose these tracks not to miss your followers. It helps you to enhance your network and gives a great value to the Bloggers, Online Business Owners, Marketers or to any niche which you belong.


If you have any other approach to raise the followers then I will be pleased to know that and try to include in my blog.

About Malika Rani

I am Malika Rani, a software engineer and a blogger. My hobby is to learn new things, searching exciting and informative discoveries over the web. So blogging is the best platform through which I can share my knowledge and experiences with you. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs and it will be helpful for you.

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