By Sanjeev Shrivastava Our Bestseller: WordPress Themes
Transferring your WordPress website to another hosting service includes transferring your WordPress pages, posts, categories, tags etc. In simple words you want your same WordPress website hosted with a new host. Some people say the process is quite complicated so they hire WordPress professionals to get their job done. It really sounds like a complex process to transfer your website and its file to a new host.
Let me make it simple for you. If your blog is not too large i.e. it doesn’t have too much content (excluding your themes and plugins) or you have a new blog say one or two years old then you can use this method. If you have a business website, portfolio website or any other type of WordPress website with less content then you can use this method to transfer your WordPress website to a new host.
Fisrt of all install a fresh WordPress in your new host. You can either install it manually or using “one click install” which comes with many hosting providers as an additional service.
Note: While installing fresh WordPress, keep the name of “admin” user same as it is in your old website. E.g. I want to move my website which has an admin “sanjeev” then in my new WordPress installation I will have to create admin with the name “sanjeev”. Remember It’s not necessary but I recommend this to avoid role/permissions issues.
I assume you have installed a fresh WordPress on your new host. Then go to admin panel of your OLD WordPress site and from dashboard go to “tools” => “export”. You will see a screen similar to this:
Select “all content” then click “download export file”. Save the downloaded xml file in your hard drive and check if the size of the file is less or equal to
2MB .
Now you have to import this file in your newly fresh installed WordPress. To do this job you will need a small plugin named WordPress importer .
To download this plugin Click Here.
Once you install and activate this plugin in your new WordPress site, you are ready to import the xml file. Go to “tools” => “import”. You will see a screen similar to this:
Click “WordPress” and you will be taken to next screen which allows you to upload your WordPress xml file which you had exported from your old WordPress.
See the highlighted text in the image says maximum upload size is 2MB, that’s why I notified you earlier that this process is suitable for small WordPress blogs with less content. Now upload your xml file and click “Upload and import file”.
The next screen will ask you to assign authors. I suggest you to import all the content as “Admin” then later you can change author of the content from dashboard if you want. So select your existing admin user and also check on the box “Download and import file attachment”.
You are almost done. The next screen just confirms the same:
You have successfully imported all the contents of your previous WordPress blog to a new WordPress on a new host.You should assign roles to the users and create new users as per your need from the dashboard of new WordPress.
Now the left thing is to change the nameserver of your domain name. Change previous nameserver which was assigned to your domain name with the nameserver of new host.
To get back the same design and functions install your old theme and plugins in your new WordPress blog.
This simple method saves you from taking backup of your database then creating new database and importing database with PhpMyAdmin. I suggest you to make things as simple as possible so use this method if your WordPress export file size is less than 2MB. In maximum cases it should be less.
About Sanjeev Shrivastava
Sanjeev loves web and his blog InfoTuts. His curiosity to know how things actually work keeps him active and inspires him to learn new things. He loves to help people. You can join him Here
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