The 3 Week Diet

Facebook & WordPress Integration: 15 Tactics

It is no secret that Facebook is capable of driving a ton of traffic to sites. You need to have a well-thought-out Facebook strategy to make that happen. Just adding a bunch of buttons and scripts to your site does count as a strategy. At the same time, you can’t expect to maximize your Facebook campaigns if your site is not as Facebook-friendly as possible. Here are 15 Facebook integration tactics you can pull off easily:


Add Facebook comments: want to get your Facebook visitors more engaged with your content? Implementing Facebook comments is not a bad idea. The good news is Facebook makes it very easy to add this to your site.

facebook box

Take advantage of Facebook recommendations: adding Facebook Recommendations box to your site could help your visitors discover your best work faster. Just install the Facebook plugin to take advantage of this feature.


Add a floating Facebook Like button to WordPress: Sharebaris your best friend here. It lets you add Facebook and other buttons to your site in a way that your visitors won’t miss them.

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